The main aim of the conference is to present trends and results of the latest scientific research in the field of complementary disciplines of physiotherapy, emphasizing their practical dimension/application in
strengthening the professional competences of physiotherapists. We cordially invite representatives of
medical, social, natural, technical and other sciences who, through their activities, can participate in the
comprehensive rehabilitation process and strengthen patients’ functional reserves.
▪ Biological sciences in the development of physiotherapy
▪ Social activation of people with disabilities
▪ Animal-assisted therapy and physiotherapy of animals
▪ Psychotherapy and occupational therapy in physiotherapy
▪ Professional profile of a physiotherapist – professional profile vs. social expectations
▪ Technical/engineering support in physiotherapy
▪ Varia – other topics related to new challenges of physiotherapy in clinical medicine of humans and animals
The conference will include the following workshops:
▪ Low Pressure Fitness (a form of core muscle training using specific breathing techniques);
▪ Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Ⓒ 2019 Aluna